Hawaii for the Holidays

Every once in awhile I'm called upon to do client work. For years, I made my living off of assignments so I'm no stranger to the work – even though these days, I don't seek them out nor receive them with much regularity. Still, I have a few long time clients for whom I still enjoy working. Just as winter began to grip New York in an icy clench of death, my favorite client snatched me from the wintery maw and transported me to the land of sun and warmth: Kona, Hawaii.

While there, I took the opportunity to photograph more of my Neighbors portraits. Usually I'll nab one or two people at a time, but at the Pine Trees beach, I found myself presented with an entire platoon of subjects all at once. Instead of my usual subject against a seamless backdrop, I opted for an environmental shot. I won't use this in my Neighbors series, but I do enjoy it nonetheless.
